Friday, May 13, 2011

Pasta - 01

3 cups of cooked macaroni
1-2 tablespoons of olive oil
1 onion chopped finely
5-7 flakes of garlic chopped finely
1/2 a can of tuna fish flakes
1/2 cup of sun-dried tomatoes
1/2 cup of basil leaves
Italian dried herbs - to taste
Pepper to taste
Red chilli flakes to taste
Salt to taste

For the garnish: grated cheese and finely chopped olives.

In the hot oil, add the onions and cook till they start turning brown. Add the garlic and stir a few times. Add the fish with pepper and the dried herbs. Saute till the fish stops smelling raw, then add the tomatoes and pasta. Saute for about a minute on high heat. Add the red chilli flakes and salt to taste. Then add the basil and stir till the leaves are done.

Serve garnished with the olives & cheese. 

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