Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Pineapple Wine


Whole pineapple: 2 kg
Sugar: 2 kg
Water: 20 cups
Yeast: 1 tsp
Orange squeeze: 1 cup


Thoroughly clean the pineapple with its outer skin and chop the whole with skin, inner core and flesh. Add 20 cups of water, boil, and keep aside. When the water is lukewarm, add yeast and sugar to it. When it is cool, add orange squeeze and stir well. Pour into a jar, tightly seal it, and keep it for 22 days. 

Strain the juice, do not squeeze the skin and other solid remains. Pour the strained juice into another jar (the same jar can be used, but it should be cleaned and dried well before pouring the juice). Seal the jar again and keep it for another 22 days, at the end of which pour the wine into bottles or other suitable containers. Serve cold.

(Source: 29 July 2006 Metro Plus Saturday The Hindu)

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