Monday, January 07, 2013

Orange Vinegar

I love oranges and don't need an excuse to eat them. I came across this Recipe on Pinterest and it requires exactly 2 Ingredients. Orange Peel and White Vinegar, and a Glass Jar. I used an old Honey Jar.

I packed the Orange Peel into the Jar and covered it in the Vinegar. Then waited for about 3 weeks. I sneaked a whiff each time I saw the Jar in my kitchen; and the Jar looked so cheerful and pretty sitting there.

I did some Google-ing and discovered that this cleaner may be diluted in the proportions 1:1 - 1:4 or not at all; and one may add salt to it too.

I've used it in my kitchen, and it worked.

Research also indicates that it works on mold and the Orange Essential Oil in it gives wood a lovely glow.

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